Delivery Policy

Please note that after confirming your order, we will process it within 3 working days. If you have any objections or questions regarding the product or delivery arrangements, please contact us via email at within 24 hours. If we do not receive any notice, your order will proceed as scheduled for packaging and delivery.

  1. From confirmation to dispatch, it generally takes 3-5 working days to process and arrange shipping (only applicable to Hong Kong or Macau).

  2. We will use SF Express / the postal service company for shipping (only applicable to Hong Kong or Macau).

  3. Customers may provide details of other delivery companies/agents, and we will contact and arrange the delivery on their behalf (suitable for overseas and domestic regions).

  4. All inquiries regarding shipments and orders should be made via email (inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays will be processed on the next working day).

  5. Customers must provide a valid and frequently used email address and phone number for registration. All matters regarding shipment arrangements, reshipments, and delivery delays will be communicated via email or mobile application. Please pay attention to notifications from HANNAH.

  6. Delivery times may be extended due to public holidays, weekends, customs clearance, delayed payments, and confirmation of shipping costs.

  7. After dispatch, you will receive the tracking number of your order via email or mobile application. With this tracking number, you can track your order status on the courier company’s website.

  8. Upon receiving the product, you must verify it and sign for it on the delivery note.

  9. Delivery services will be between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. The exact time will be determined by the courier company. If you have special needs, you may also arrange for the designated courier to pick up the package from our dispatch center.

  10. In case of any disputes regarding the order, HANNAH reserves the right to make the final decision on providing online shopping services based on individual circumstances.

**Please Note:** Delivery services are only available within Hong Kong or Macau (excluding outlying islands). For overseas and domestic delivery, customers are welcome to provide delivery service company details for arrangement. For further assistance, please email